Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Hello Friends!

How is everyone? I hope well. Payette is amazing. People are all really cool and friendly, and its not near as cold (or windy) as Burley was. We have a TON of great work going on and its really been a blast. Just Sunday, we had a HUGE multi-stake missionary meeting. It was for all the bishops, stake presidents, high councilors over missionary work, and ward mission leaders...and we came too. haha. Our Mission President was there along with Elder Walker of the 70. It was really great. Alot of great things are happening and its really cool to be a part of it. Well, my time is very short today, but I did throw in some pics. The first is the stuff my fam sent for my birthday. It was kinda crazy because Payette is literally known as "Home of the Pirates". I'll take a picture of one of the signs to show ya. haha. The second is one of our wards in Fruitland, I just couldn't miss such a great photo opportunity. haha. And the last one, we went to a dinner and the family was concerned about us getting spaghetti sauce all over our white shirts, so we got to wear these beauties. haha. It was pretty sweet. Well, I gotta run. I love you all and hope all is well!

-Elder woods


vicki said...

Happy birthday Elder Woods! The day you were born was a sweet one!
