Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The 1000000 Degree House

Brad wrote in his email this week that his apartment is 1000000 degrees at night (but the family they live with is awesome). This past week Brad's companion's mom contacted me. It is so fun to be able to share this experience with mom's all over the country. The Naylors live in San Diego - LUCKY and it has been great to share pictures and information on our Elders. I swiped, I mean borrowed these pictures of Brad's house that reaches 10000000 in their top apartment off her blog. Thanks Diane (her blog is totally cute, just like her and she has the cutest hair and shoes).


Colleen Coleman said...

The million degree house is very cool and barnlike. I would like to see the lady with cute hair.

diane said...

I'm so glad your son can appreciate mine.

They don't exagerate at all. I told mine to buy a fan.
